- Domain
Domains are defined chiefly in terms
of their rRNA sequences

- Bacteria
Part if the informal "prokaryota"

- Only one kingdom today, likely to be revised.
- photosynthesizing
- green non-sulfur bacteria
- green sulfur bacteria
- Cyanobacteria
- ("pre-organelles" to chloroplasts)
- purple bacteria
- Gram-positive bacteria
- non- photosythesizing
- ("pre-organelles" to mitochondria)
- Flavobacteria
- spirochaetes
- Thermus
- Thermotoga
- Archaea
Part if the informal "prokaryota"

- Kingdoms:
- Euryarchaeota

- Extreme halophiles such as Halobacterium
- Methanogens such as Methanococcus, Thermococcus
- Crenarchaeota
Oldest, depend on sulfur, often thermophilic.
Includes Sulfolobus, Thermoproteus and others

- Sp Pyrodictium abyssi
Optimum temp 105°C
- Sp Pyrolobus fumari
Holds the record for thermophilic growth with a maximum growth temperature of 113°C. It cannot grow below 90°C
- Sp Sulfolobus acidocalddarius
Aerobic chemolithotroph, oxidizes sulfur or H2S and fixes CO2
- Sp Thermoproteus neutrophilus
T. neutrophilus has 56-58% GC.
Opt temp 80-100°C
- Korarchaeota
(third kingdom that sometimes is distinguished)
- Eukarya

- Kingdoms:
- K Protoctista "the dustbin kingdom"
The first eukaryotic to evolve. Unicellular eukaryotes (and any multicellular descendants)
that are neither plants, animals nor fungi. Most are microscopic. Most have one or more flagella.
- SubK Archezoa
The oldest Protoctista. Does not have mitochondria or chloroplast organelles.
Many are parasites
- Archaeprotista
- Microspora
(A Fungi according to others)
- SubK Euproctista
(This list is a mess, don't trust it)
- Ph Rizopoda (amoebas etc)
- Ph Discomitochondria ( euglenoids kinetoplastids)
- Ph Myxomycota
- Ph Rhodophyta (red algae)
- Ph Granuloreticulosa (forams etc)
- Ph Xenophyophora
- SupPh Alveolata
- Dinoflagelida
- Ciliophora
- Apicomplexa
- Ph Chlorophyta (green algae)
- Ph Haplospora
- Ph Paramyxa
- Ph Haptophyta
- Ph Cryptophyta
- SupPh Stramenopila or Heterokontophyta
- Ph Opalinida
- Ph Bicosoecida
- Ph Hypochytridomycota
- Ph Labyrinthulata
- Ph Oomycota (water moulds)
- Ph Plasmodiophora
- Ph Chrysophyta (golden-brown algae)
- Ph Phaenophyta (brown algae)
- Ph Xanthophyta (yellow-green algae)
- Ph Bacillariophyta (diatoms)
- Ph Eustigmatophyta
- Ph Myxospora
- Ph Actinopoda (radiolarians etc)
- Ph Zoomastigota
- Animalia
Origin prob. 900-1200 Ma,
most numerous and diverse (~29-35? phyla)
eukaryotic kingdom
Each phyla has a distinkt bodyplan
since or before Cambrian.
- Radiata
The oldest
- Cnidaria (11000)
corals, jellyfish
- About 100 others
- Bilateria
- Arthropoda
(either a superphylum or just one phylum)
- insects (750000)
- millipedes etc (12500
- crustaceans (40000)
- spiders etc (1000)
- div ~400+70
- Platyhelminthes (25000)
- Annelida (15000)
earthworms etc.
- Nematoda (20000)
- Chordata (33380)
- Echinodermata (7000)
starfish etc
- (and other phyla)
- Plantae
* Multicellular eukaryotic photosyntetic organisms, primarily adapted to life on land.
* Develop from an embryo, developed from a zygote
* Alternation of generations
* Green overgount shoot, underground parts non- photosyntesizing
- non-vascular plants
or bryophytes
- Hepatophyta (6000)
- Anthocerophyta (100)
- Bryophyta (10000)
- vascular plants
- seedless vascular plants
- Sphenophyta (15)
horsetails [Equisetum]
- Lycophyta (1000) club mosses & quillworths
- Pterophyta (11000) Ferns
- Psilophyta (~30)
whisk fern [Psilotum]
- seed plants
- gymnosperms
- Cycadophyta (140)
- Gincophyta (1)
maidenhair tree [Ginkgo]
- Coniferophyta (550)
- Gnetophyta (70)
[Gretum, Ephedra, Welwitshia]
- angiosperms

- Anthophyta (235000)
flowering plants
- Fungi
- with protoctist ancestors
- Chytridiomycota (600)
water & soil moulds, parasites
- Zygomycota (850)
bread moulds
fly fungi
animal traps
- Ascomycota (30000)
cup fungi, yeasts, moulds
- Basidiomycota (25000)
mushrooms, brackets,
rusts, jelly fungi, smuts
- no sexual stages
- Anamorphic fungi (17000)
(two branches)
- Please don't use this mindmap!
You can't trust it, it's an experiment only!