Introduction to physics for scientists and engineers - McGraw-Hill, - Frederick J. Bueche, Frederick J Bueche
McGraw-Hill (1986)
In Collection

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Now in its fourth edition,the book helps students learn calculus-based physics without the usual frustration. The author uses simple language,constructive repetition and a conversational tone to bring abstract,theoretical subjects down to earth. Reading evaluations published in The Physics Teacher magazine have shown that Bueche's writing style is the most readable of the ten calculus-based physics texts considered. Focusing on the principles of physics,the text includes only those peripheral topics that tie in closely with key concepts. As a result,the book is concise,yet rigourous and thorough in its presentation of physics. Forty percent of the problems in this edition are new,and the text now includes special computer problems that help students become adept at working out calculations on the computer. SI units are used throughout,with rare exceptions where common practice necessitates other units be introduced also.

Product Details
LoC Classification QC21.2.B83 1986
Dewey 530
Format Hardcover
Edition 4. ed.
Cover Price $109.35
Nr of Pages 948
Height x Width 267 x 216 mm

"When ordering this title, use ISBN 0-07-Y66150-2": International student edition